
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Grumbieredaag un Frouwasege

Don't want to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

How about the traditional Deitsch holiday of St. Gertrude's Day, known also by the name we use in Urglaawe of Grumbieredaag (Potato Day), which is the day we will honor the Frouwa.

Since the Deitsch population overwhelmingly identifies as Protestant or Anabaptist, the survival of this Catholic observance within the wider culture is interesting in its own right, even if it had been diminishing over time. Even most Christians (including those in the article below) acknowledge the heathen roots of the observance. While there are other connections that come up (particularly to Holle and to Freid/Frigg), Grimm (305) makes a connection between Gertrude and Frowa/Frouwa, and this is generally accepted by the Urglaawe community.

Potatoes have become a staple crop for the Deitsch since arrival, and tradition is that March 17 is the day to put potatoes in the ground. There are rituals to feed the Heinzelmenner or other Kowwold (kobolds) and to bring fertility to the garden. Specific foods include Datsch (a type of almost granola-like potato bread) and spring onions.

One thing I find important in this observance is the completion of the potato cycle. Potato bread from last year's harvest is consumed and offered to the land at the time that this year's crop is being planted.

The traditional Datsch recipe is posted in the Urglaawe Culinary Guild, and the program for the observance is below:

Friday, March 15, 2019

Terror Attacks in Christchurch, NZ

The Troth, Heathens Against Hate, the Alliance for Inclusive Heathenry, and Distelfink Sippschaft condemn the atrocious terror attacks against the Muslim community in Christchurch, New Zealand. 

The heinous taking of these innocent lives, particularly in their house of worship, is beyond words. It is an abomination.

The perpetrator had written on 8chan: 

“I will carry out and attack against the invaders, and will even live stream the attack via facebook,” he wrote, with a link to his Facebook page. “If I don’t survive the attack, goodbye, godbless and I will see you all in Valhalla!” 


Acts of cowardice and the merciless slaughter of innocents is not how one gets to Valhalla. The perpetrator's actions are a disgrace. Through his thoughts, words, and deeds, he has besmirched the reputations of our gods and goddesses. There is no excuse or rationalization for the evil that he has committed. This is not what Heathenry believes or stands for.

Our hearts go out to the people of Christchurch and to the families and loved ones of the victims. 

Hail to the fallen.