
Thursday, December 1, 2022

December Pubmoot, Voryuul, Parade of Spirits 2022


The Urglaawe observance of Voryuul begins at sunset on December 8, and observance of it is a hybrid event (in person in Bristol, PA and on Zoom) on Friday, December 9. The Parade of Spirits in Philadelphia on December 10. These are the darkest nights, and our tradition is one of confronting the shadowier sides of ourselves and embracing the reality of the totality of ourselves. It can be an illuminating time, but it can also shake up a lot of preconceived notions that we have about ourselves.

All are welcomed to join our hybrid event. If you live in the Philadelphia metropolitan area or in the Deitscherei/Pennsylvania Dutch Country and would like to attend in person, please contact me (Robert L. Schreiwer) directly on Facebook. 

Ritual Event Link (Facebook)

Please note that this event is preceded by a Monthly Heathen Pubmoot at the King George II Inn in Bristol, PA. The ritual itself will start at 6:30 with a walking processional (for those who are able to do so; others are welcomed to ride in vehicles -- and part of me is considering pulling the Buggy as part of the processional, but that might be consideration for next year.)

The ritual will continue from my house in Bristol, PA, at approximately 7:00 PM.

One of Voryuul's features is the Parade of Spirits in Liberty Lands Park in Philadelphia. This year, the Parade falls on Saturday, December 10, 2022. See site for more info.

Parade of Spirits - Der Geischderschtrutz - 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022

Halliches Hoietfescht!

 Es Hoietfescht is the Urglaawish Haymaking Festival. It is a celebration of the first grain harvest. It is a time of revelry, celebration, games, joyous conversation, and community building.

Hail to community!
Hail to friendship!
Hail to the deities!