
Monday, February 6, 2012

Butzemann Naming Convention

In Urglaawe tradition, the naming of the Butzemann follows an old-era Deitsch convention that includes a surname derived from the Butzemann's eldest known ancestor. He then is also given a patronymic as a middle name.

Still small, yet powerful!

Here is an example of how the process works!

At the Kannsege (Ceremony of the Corn) yesterday, we activated the first Butzemann of one of our kinfolk. A Butzemann may either state his own name or be given a name by his landlord. This Butzemann was given the name of Arnold.

Next year, when the material of Arnold's children form a new Butzemann, the new Butzemann will have the surname of Arnoldsen. Yes, the -sen ending is an old Deitsch tradition (appearing even in Lambert's Pennsylvania German Dictionary). While the -n or -in ending is still quite common among Deitsch speakers, the practice of referring to children with a -sen ending is seldom witnessed since the end of the Suppression Era.

So let's say that Arnold's son tells you that his name is Besereis. His full name would be:

Besereis Arnold Arnoldsen

Besereis is the first name, Arnold is the patronymic (name of the father), and Arnoldsen is the name of the clan as it relates to offspring.

Here's where it gets a little muddy!

Around Hoietfescht (late July or early August), Besereis Arnold Arnoldsen's children will be "mature" enough that Besereis will drop the -sen ending from his name. Until his task is done, his name will be such:

Besereis Arnold Arnold.

Now let's assume that Besereis has a son named Deffel. Deffel would take on the patronymic of Besereis:

Deffel Besereis Arnoldsen

The -sen ending is again added until Deffel becomes a full adult around Hoietfescht.

The naming is typically conducted at the moment of activation at the Kannsege. The community bears witness to the lineage of the Butzemann.

So, the four Butzemenner that were activated this weekend bear the following names:

Arnold (technically Arnold der Nei, or Arnold the New)
Otto Eirich Henrichsen
Kunraad Aamet Aametsen
Muunyaager Schtoffel Müsselmansen

Heel zu de Butzemenner!

1 comment:

  1. So the third and fourth an on and on in the example will always initially have the last name Arnoldsen?
