
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Heathen Banner for Krampuslauf Philadelphia

We have been having discussions in the Heathen Contingent for Krampuslauf Philadelphia and Urglaawe Fiber Arts Guild groups on Facebook about creating a Heathen banner for Krampuslauf Philadelphia. This project is now a go.

As a "living banner," part of the goal is to have something that can be added to year after year. As we are getting a somewhat later start than ideal, this year's banner will start with a simple design of what ever words we decide to use on a parade style banner that measures approximately 6ft wide x 3ft tall with a border of work contributed by the community. 

To keep it simple and easy this year, we were thinking about smaller "patch" style pieces consisting of decorative stitching, applique, or even painted (fabric markers or paint). These patches should be a finished size of 6in x 3in. Note: If you are using a material that might fray, please leave a 1/2-inch allowance for it to be turned under. Large enough to be seen but small enough that people may have some time to get something done in an afternoon to contribute to the banner. 

Our hope is to have the banner debut at Krampuslauf this year, which, if you have been keeping track is less than a month away! Krampuslauf Philadelphia takes place in Liberty Lands Park in Philadelphia on Saturday, December 13, 2014.

Folks from everywhere are invited to create a patch that represents you or your tradition and to send it patch to us, and we'll add it to the banner.

Distelfink Sippschaft
PO Box 2131
Bristol, PA 19007

Thank you!

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