
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Videos: Panel Presentation on "Rebuilding the Altars: Reconstructing Indigenous Pagan Faiths for Today"

The videos below are of the panel's presentation at the Parliament of the World's Religions on Pagan/Heathen traditions that have their indigenous roots in Europe.

Unfortunately, I was trying to record and to talk at the same time, so the video quality is a bit clumsy, plus the video stopped at least twice, and I lost one of the longer responses to a question. There is an audio recording that was taken, and, if that becomes available, I will post it.

Panel participants from left to right: Robert L. Schreiwer (Urglaawe / Heathenry), Erynn Rowan Laurie (Celtic), Diana Paxson (Asatru / Heathenry), Eli Sheva (Hebrew Polytheism), Kirk Thomas (ADF), Gwendolyn Reece (Hellenic).

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

1 comment:

  1. Great panel & discussion! Gave me lots to think about and new info, too.
