
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Halliches Allelieweziel!

Tonight the past is ablaze in bright candlelight. 

I ponder humanity’s march through time. Those who have gone before have blazed the trail. Sometimes that trail is clear and easy to follow. Other times that trail is grown over and hard to walk. All too often, the twists and turns on that trail have taken us farther from the destination of the perfected human, and the wrongs and atrocities have slowed our progress to a near standstill. 

We can do better. 

We can learn from the wiser of the forebears and work to fix the follies and injustices of the past. Our society is the product of the combined actions of the forebears. They are us, and we are they. Let’s do our best to make this world, or at the very least, our communities a better way place for those who are with us and for those who follow.

Halliches Allelieweziel!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Der Letscht Sege / Last Rite (Urglaawe)

Meeg dir die Rees blatt sei.  (Roon Reit)
Meeg fer dich es Schtromwasser waarem sei  (Loch)
Meeg dir der Laaf darrich der Busch sicher sei (Baerk)
Un meege der Holle ihre Hend dich darrich die Miehl voraafiehre. (Yaahr)
Meeg dei Warick dir en guder Urleeg baue (Engel)
Meeg dei Naame lang gschproche warre (Gewwe)
Mit gudem Lob un mit Liewe.  (Winsch)
Meeg dich die Vorgenger aalache. (Ochdem)
Weil du des Lewe verlosscht (Haagel)
Weess as du dei Abdruck hinterlosse hoscht. (Eis)
Vorwaerts noch die Miehl! (Reit)
Vorwaerts noch Endlosichkeet! (Yaahr)
Heele zum Reeser / zur Reesern  (Fackel)
Mach's immer besser! (Engel)
Mach's immer so! (Mann)

May your journey be smooth and even,  (Reit rune)
May the stream waters be warm for you. (Loch)
May the walk through the wilderness be safe (Baerk)
And may the hands of Holle guide you to the Mill.  (Yaahr)
May your actions build you a good Urleeg (Engel)
May your name long be spoken (Gewwe)
With a good reputation and with love. (Winsch)
May the forebears smile upon you. (Ochdem)
As you leave this life, (Haagel)
Know that you have left behind your imprint. (Eis)
Forward toward the Mill! (Reit)
Forward toward infinity! (Yaahr)
Hail to the traveler! (Fackel)
Make it always better! (Engel)
Make it always so!  (Mann)

Robert L. Schreiwer, 13. Gehling 2019

To be used as a final rite when someone is nearing death.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Harvest of the Grain Goddess

“‘Siss net alle Daag Ernt”

So goes the old proverb

Indeed, every day is not the harvest.

The harvest is special;

It empowers us
Feeds us
And carries us forth.

Like the Grain Goddess
Yet Her name so elusive

Through the rocky course of history.

Yet we know 
She exists;

We feel Her pull, 

And we yearn to meet Her.

She feeds us as Her own

For we are kernels nestled together

Protected by Her husk.

Her silky hair surrounds us

As we grow as siblings
Her name reflects the strength of kin

As She reveals Herself to us at last:

Siwwa, Sibba, Sippa, Sif

Hail to the Grain Goddess!

Hail to the Lady of Kinship!

In Thy hall every day is the harvest.

And the grains fall to us in Mannheem.

We plant them 

And nourish our bodies

And our souls.

-- Robert L. Schreiwer, 2019

The Apples of Idunn

All hail the Apple

Perennial fruit of health!

That which keeps the doctor away.

Medium of tests,

Such as the shaking of Holle´s tree.

Medium of schemes,

Such as the poisoned ones of tales.

This Apple

Is a mighty fruit!

Often not given its due

In this modern age

Of widespread transport

Bringing fruit from all places

To a store near each of us.

Yet the Apple holds a higher place

As the Guardian of the Gods

Keeping Age and Death at bay

And thwarting even Time.

Who is worthy to carry them,

These incarnations of Life Force?

It is the graceful Idunn,

Goddess of Rejuvenation,

Who bears the miraculous fruit.

Science has proven

What the ancients knew from experience.

That which Idunn brings

Bestows health and wellness

Upon those who partake of it.

So hail to the Apple,

Hail to the Great Goddess Idunn!

Hail also to the community

That She sustains! 

--  Robert L. Schreiwer, 2019