
Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Apples of Idunn

All hail the Apple

Perennial fruit of health!

That which keeps the doctor away.

Medium of tests,

Such as the shaking of Holle´s tree.

Medium of schemes,

Such as the poisoned ones of tales.

This Apple

Is a mighty fruit!

Often not given its due

In this modern age

Of widespread transport

Bringing fruit from all places

To a store near each of us.

Yet the Apple holds a higher place

As the Guardian of the Gods

Keeping Age and Death at bay

And thwarting even Time.

Who is worthy to carry them,

These incarnations of Life Force?

It is the graceful Idunn,

Goddess of Rejuvenation,

Who bears the miraculous fruit.

Science has proven

What the ancients knew from experience.

That which Idunn brings

Bestows health and wellness

Upon those who partake of it.

So hail to the Apple,

Hail to the Great Goddess Idunn!

Hail also to the community

That She sustains! 

--  Robert L. Schreiwer, 2019

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