(Note: This is for observance dates, not necessarily the same as gathering dates)
This is still rough-hewn, but here's the starting blocks for the 2016 calendar.
Sundown December 31: BERCHTASLAAF (Feast Day of goddess Berchta); TWELFTH NIGHT
January 1: Twelfth Day (of Yule), Feast of Frey; New Year's Day
Sundown of Feb. 1 until Sundown February 12: ENTSCHTANNING (including Groundhog Day, which starts sundown Feb. 1 and runs until sundown Feb. 2)
March 20: OSCHDRE (runs for 12 nights)
Sundown April 30: WONNEZEIT (including Walpurgisnacht/Wonnenacht, sundown April 30; May Day, sunrise May 1)
Sundown May 12, May 13, May 14: Observance of Frost Giant attacks
June 9-12: TROTHMOOT at Fort Flagler Retreat Center, Nordland, WA.
Late July/Early August: HOIETFESCHT - Haymaking observances throughout first half of month
September 3: PHILADELPHIA PAGAN PRIDE, Clark Park, Philadelphia, PA
September 22: ERNTFESCHT, Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home
September 28: ZISASEGE, Feast Day of Zisa
Sundown October 30: ALLELIEWEZIEL begins and runs for twelve nights
November 11: HOLLERSEGE/EWICHER YEEGER SEGE; Feast Day of Holler (Ullr)
December 12: KRAMPUSLAUF PHILADELPHIA, Liberty Lands Park, Philadelphia, PA
Sundown December 20: YUUL; Yule begins
Sundown December 31: BERCHTASLAAF